This is “Cooper”, CH AWOL FLEW THE COOP. Cooper is a handsome tri-colored 15″ Beagle.
He is pictured taking a 4 point major win under judge, Keke Kahn at Sahuaro State Kennel Club, November 21, 2004.
Cooper, a 15″ Beagle, was shown to his championship by Ric Plaut, PHA. Cooper is one of Jerry’s (CH AWOL SHOW ME THE MONEY) pups.
When Cooper is bad (and believe it or not, a Beagle can sometimes be naughty) he is told “Bad Dog!! Go get in the bathtub”. Cooper then slinks slowly down the hallway and crawls into the tub. He stands there dejected with his ears hanging down to his knees and his eyes are so sorrowful.
After a few minutes of his “tub-time-out” all is forgiven and he bounces out happy and so sure he is the best-dog-on-the-earth again!
Perhaps, Cooper has finally outgrown his penchant for getting into things since he hasn’t spent any tub time lately!